
Kills weeds and grasses, including dandelion,
chickweed, and other listed weeds

Finalsan is a patented fast-acting weed, grass, algae, lichen, and moss killer. Using a specially formulated, non-staining, ammoniated soap of fatty acids, Finalsan is a non-selective herbicide that controls and suppresses many common annual, biennial, and perennial weeds that grow around field-grown vegetables and fruits; trees and shrubs; and on roofs, decks, patios, walks, bricks, and cement. Finalsan  can even be used in cool weather and leaves no harmful residue in the soil.

Available Sizes: 100 mL to 1000 L

Active Ingredient: Ammoniated soap of fatty acids

Mode of Action: Herbicidal soaps penetrate the cuticle (protective coating) of plants, causing the plant to dehydrate and die. Free fatty acids accumulate in plant cells and cause intracellular damage leading to cell collapse. Activity is non- selective and will kill any plant the soap comes into contact with, but will not translocate to underground portions of the plant.

Controls: Annual bluegrass, chickweed, corn spurry, dandelion, groundsel, lamb’s- quarters, large crabgrass, mouse-eared chickweed, mustards, plantain, redroot pigweed, round leaved mallow, sheep sorrel, shepherd’s-purse, stinkweed, thistle, moss, algae, and lichens.

Directions: Spray weeds and grasses thoroughly when weather is dry and warm. If rain falls within three hours of application an additional application may be required. Repeat treatment every 2 to 3 weeks for control of new growth. For optimum results spray weeds before they reach 12 cm tall.

IMPORTANT Read the entire label before use.


Incidental overspray won’t stain bricks, concrete or asphalt

Fast acting

Formulated for fast and easy application

Weed control for outdoor uses

Areas can be planted 5 days after treatment

People and pets can reenter area once spray dries


Toronto & Eastern Ontario
Alan Dolick
(705) 740-7783

Toronto & Western Ontario
Brad Normand
(519) 939-6063


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