WeedOut® Ultra professional



WeedOut® Ultra Professional is a selective herbicide that provides control of dandelion and plantain and top growth control of fall hawkbit, hawkweed, cinquefoil, and black medic in turf.

Visible effects on weeds can be observed within 24 hours and weeds die in four to eight weeks.

This product is ideal for lawn care where pesticide bans exist.
Kills dandelion and plantain to the roots

Patented product

Active Ingredient: 4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid

Available Sizes: 10 L

Mode of Action: Symptoms and death of plants treated with 4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid are thought to be induced by abnormal levels of ethylene in tissues.

Ethylene inhibits cell division, DNA synthesis and meristematic growth of roots, shoots, and auxiliary buds.

In addition, ethylene causes stomata to close, thus slowing down and even stopping photosynthesis, leading eventually to the death of plants.

Controls: Dandelion, plantain, top growth control of hawkbit, hawkweed, cinquefoil, and black medic.

Directions: Mix one part of WeedOut® Ultra Professional with 9 parts of water. Treat broadleaf weeds in lawns and turf (e.g. right-of-ways, non-crop areas, golf courses, sod production, parks, cemeteries and athletic fields) when weeds are actively growing. For spot treatment only. Use any standard hand-held or backpack sprayer. This product can be applied to small patches and individual broadleaf weeds as a spot treatment.

IMPORTANT: Read the entire label before use.

Image of WeedOut container-jug

Kills broadleaf weeds in turf

Kills plantains and dandelions at the root for long-lasting results

96% mortality on broadleaf plantains, 82% on dandelions at week 10

Concentrated solution adapted to lawn care professionals

Toronto & Eastern Ontario
Alan Dolick
(705) 740-7783

Toronto & Western Ontario
Brad Normand
(519) 939-6063


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